You are so cute
although you always poop.
Seen In The Past Few Weeks At The Bryant Park Subway Station:
* A little boy, who was merrily peeing against a wall inside of the station while his parents held his pants down around his ankles.
* An old Chinese woman, performing Christmas carols on traditional Chinese instruments ... which were still tuned in a non-Western scale. 'Silent Night' never sounded so unsettling.
* The old man who's always performing classical violin on the downtown platform. I never give him any money (I never have any), but I always wonder if he actually ever gets any students from his homemade sign that states 'I TEACH VIOLIN LESSONS!'
* A wheelchair bound beggar who became increasingly belligerent when no one gave him any spare change. I almost stuck around to see if he was going to start running people over.
* That guy always shilling his group's rap CD ("We do NOT degrade women!) and promotional materials for 1 dollar on the F train. "Best deal in the ci-tay. 8 songs for 1 dollar." Seriously. He's there almost everyday, and I've literally seen about 3 people purchase a CD from him.
* A pigeon flying around the uptown platform. Hello? You're a bird. Go back outside.
Seen In The Past Few Weeks On Various Sidewalks Around My Neighborhood:
* An old refrigerator
* A king sized mattress
* Baby pacifier (That struck me as sad, for some reason.)
* Books -- thanks to whoever provided me with a copy of the MLA Guide to Research Papers. Woohoo.
* Shoes
* A lamp and lampshade
Heard On The Subway:
* Conversation between a little girl and her father:
Little Girl: (looking at the drag queens standing near her) "Daddy, why are those boys dressed up like girls?"
Father: "Well, honey, sometimes men like to dress up like women ... "
* Street preacher to everyone in the same subway car:
"Men must stop lusting after women's butts. Jesus does not want men to look at women's butts. MEN MUST STOP WANTING WOMEN'S BUTTS." (etc etc ... I almost asked him if 'behind' or 'rear' would have been a better word choice than butts for a holy man, but whatever.)
Oh, and I forgot to mention that it was a pretty delicious cake. Homemade frosting, good texture, the whole bit. Yummy. It did, however, eradicate any desire I have had to consume sugar. Right now I feel like avoiding the stuff for the next week.
I just saw the new James Bond 'Casino Royale' the other night and highly recommend it. I normally loathe the whole spies with big guns genre, but this time I actually enjoyed it. Lots of car chases, exploding objects, good looking ladies and the like. Did I mention the car chases?
Actually, I'm not going to lie. I'm crushing on James Bond's car far more than him.
The proof is in the pudding:
Foxy, foxy.
I heard a lot of rumors that the new Bond flick would be terrible. Multiple websites and magazines stated that Daniel Craig ( was shaping up to be a sketchy (at best) Bond. However, I have to say, Big D is rockin' the whole English Spy thing. As for the movie -- well, it lags towards the end, but it's still pretty damn enjoyable.
In other news, me thinks that I'm going to be updating the travel blog sometime this century (!!) ... possibly even tonight. Check it at some point this week.
Oh yeah -- and go save some chimps!
In other news, I'm stressed out as hell. I have a huge performance coming up that I was only informed about last week -- I get 1 rehearsal on the same day as the concert, and it's difficult, hard to count, and a very exposed part. I barely know the piece at all. Joy of joys. I have several papers due soon, an ecology project for one of my classes, and final exams to prepare for. Can anyone say 'being a student sucks?' Thanks, mom and dad, for paying for an education that is going to make me mentally unstable and strung out for the rest of my days.
Oh, and in case you're wondering about the airplane picture -- it was the only thing that remained from my previous post, weirdly enough. It was supposed to go along with the whole 'traveling' theme. Whatever. Peace.
Your Neighbor Who Banged A Broomstick Against The Ceiling Last Night To Say BE QUIET .
(I was unsuccessful in my attempt at creating peace and civil order.)
* Expletive not put in completion in respect for my mother, who does read this thing from time to time.