Wednesday, August 24, 2011

happy canaversary to me!


I moved to Canada on August 24, 2010.  As hard as it is to believe, it is now one year later.  I've officially lived in Canada for an entire 365 days!

I want to say thank you to my adopted home. I am happy to live here.  While I have some things I still don't understand (CFL ? Why do you guys have ketchup flavored chips? How do I learn to keep track of all your political parties?), there are a ton of things that I have learned to love since moving up north (Don Cherry! Grasshopper Wheat Ale! Elk sausage at the farmer's market!). 

Thanks, Canada. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

on the topic of unexpected and small miracles ...

We've had quite a stormy and wet summer here in the north, and the weather has mostly been a mixture of damp, gloomy and frustrating.  However, every now and then something beautiful comes along after a particularly vicious rain storm and blossoms across the sky in a technicolor riot.  I only wish my photographs could somehow do this sight justice.

Below is my collection of Summer Rainbows.  My rainbow count so far has been five in a span of about six weeks.  Maybe Someone Above is trying to tell me something? Here's hoping for more rainbows.

Double Rainbow

Different day, same location
Massive rainbow
Rainbow detail (isn't it beautiful?)
Yet another double rainbow!

I must live in Rainbow Alley -- I have the perfect place to view rainbows from my 20th floor balcony

Last but not least, a rainbow from the Rocky Mountains

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Magical hot air balloons, taken from my balcony.  Little miracles like these are what keep me going right now.