Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Trans-Canada Road Trip '13: Pics Part 1 (Saskatchewan)

Saskatchewan, Summer 2013

Remember this post? Last summer, my fiancé and I drove across most of Canada in the short span of 2 weeks.  It was an intense trip of 14 hour days spent locked in a car, consuming vast quantities of fast food, and staring at endless and unyielding prairie.  We drove from Edmonton, Alberta to Ottawa, Ontario, a distance of approximately 4,6000 miles, or 7,402 kilometers.  While I would not recommend such a speedy trip in the future, it was certainly a hell of an introduction to the middle portion of Canada, which, for the record, is the biggest portion of Canada.

I recount my run-ins with exploding bears, Lake Superior Provincial Park, bannock burgers, and crappy Toronto drivers in this post over here.

Almost a year later, here are some less-than-inspiring photos from that trip. Formatting is screwy because BLOGGER.COM IS INCAPABLE OF HANDLING PHOTOS AND KEEPING THEM FORMATTED AS THEY GET UPLOADED. Or else I'm an idiot.  
Rural Ukrainian Church


Prairie train, the kind that makes you wait, and wait, and wait ...

... and wait. Yes, those cars stretch all the way to the horizon.
Pretty church window at Batoche, site of the famous Metis rebellion.

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