Tuesday, July 13, 2010

your opinion needed

In the next few weeks I will be re-designing and playing around with my blog. I would welcome your comments and suggestions on easy to read layouts and designs you feel would be most appropriate for the content found in this blog.

There is a possibility I will be renaming the current blog, or else starting a new one, once I begin my new life in CANADA. (Yes, Canada, eh!) This will happen in the next 5 -6 weeks. So, question: keep the old blog but redesign it/rename it, or start fresh with a new blog?

Let me know.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

And, as usual, I have to type ...

it's been a long time, folks.

I returned from my unusually sunny trip to the Emerald Isle. The weather was perfect, seeing my family was lovely, and the scenery wasn't half bad, either. I'd write a more in-depth entry about my trip, but I don't feel like sharing most of it, since it was a personal one and involved a lot of family members and their time.

I don't have much to write, but I will update soon. Probably with pictures. Words aren't coming to me so easily these days. Too much stress and too little time to get anxious in.

Love to all.