Saturday, February 24, 2007

because these make me laugh ... (in a good way)

Things seen around New York City this past month ...

Somehow a poster for a coat drive turns into one advertising a goat drive.

(At the Fort Hamilton Parkway stop in Brooklyn.)

Closer inspection of the poster reveals that the Statue of Liberty is, after all these years, homeisck for France ...

My friend Devon poses outside of the food lover's haven Big Wong Restaurant.

(taken in China Town, on Mott Street, Manhattan.)

A toilet grows in Brooklyn.
(taken on 16th street.)

New York is full of weird surprises ... gotta love it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

youtube spectacular

Because I'm (still) so happy that my comments are working again on the blog, I'm posting up even more youtube goodness. I know that being happy and youtube really don't have much in common, but hey, youtube videos can make you happy.

Here are a few hand selected goodies.

My Favorite Tom & Jerry Cartoon Ever (the Hungarian Rhapsody one)
Baby penguin learning to walk (very cute)
Crazy Indian Music Video 1 (in honor of my trip there)
Crazy Indian Music Video 2 (the tune is catchy)
Kitty Exercise Wheel

Ok, that's all for now. Dinner awaits.

But before I go ...


Sunday, February 11, 2007

comments work again!


Comment away, kiddos.

Also, ones made earlier are all showing up now. Apparently there is a blog god out there!

To celebrate, I'm posting a link to one of the strangest youtube videos I have ever seen. It's old (I saw it last year), but it never ceases to amaze me. It's of a new sport taking over Europe, and is basically a guy doing crazy stunts. I'm talking insane here, people. He's obviously had gymnastic training. Turn the volume down, since the music is kind of crap -- but watch the whole video, it's worth it.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

blue day


It's been awhile.

There's no excuse, really. The point of having a blog is updating it, and I'm pretty slack in that department. I know I threatened to stop posting entirely not too long ago, but I'll admit, that was all bluffing. Sheer, lying, lousy bluffing.

I was feeling very down for several weeks. I'm not offering that up as a reason for why I haven't updated this thing, but it probably was a minor factor. Very down, very out, very 'blue' as they say.

I had on Thom Yorke's album 'The Eraser' on non-stop repeat, which didn't help matters. It's a beautiful CD, but it can make dark days seem bleaker. There was one song in particular that I kept listening to. I don't know which track number (7, maybe?) but it's called 'Harrowdown Hill.' Yorke apparently referred to it as "the most angry song" he'd written in his life (according to the ever unreliable Wikipedia, anyway). It doesn't sound angry, but at the same time, the lyrics cut to the bone, as does the production, which is unrelenting and hard. The musical lines are sharp and tense, until they collapse under the weight of what they convey, blurring into an underwater world of sonic relief.

Anyway. The song is supposedly about Dr. David Kelly, who died under mysterious circumstances in 2003 after questioning some aspects of the Iraq War. Kelly's body was found at Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire, England. The lyrics, though, mesh with whatever you want them to be about -- in my case, little black clouds of personal crapola.

Another reason I've been avoiding updating is that I am dissatisfied with the blog. Part of me wants to go back and clean up old entries for spelling and grammatical mistakes. There's also a piece of my inner critic that is insisting I do some tidying up, some editorial work. The 'artistie' in me is refusing, however, on the grounds that it's my blog and spelling/grammar/whatever mistakes be damned.

I haven't made a decision yet on what I'm going to do. There's also the fact I need to move the blog to another server, since this one sucks and no one can comment anymore. Perhaps when I move it I will also fix it up some.

Until then -- whenever it may be -- I will keep plugging away, and adding entries as I go. (Blue days being an exception.)

Oh, and yes, I'm feeling better.