Thursday, December 14, 2006


photo of pigeons i took in kathmandu, nepal '06
i found this in some (old) notes of mine and thought ...
pigeons get no love.
so, to all the birds, here's a post for you.
and no, this is not meant to be taken seriously!

Ode to the Pigeons

You are so cute
although you always poop.

well, there ya have it.
my pigeon poetry.
(i think finals are really starting to make me go mildly insane. apologies for the weird post.)
(but i still think pigeons are cute.)


Tom Bailey said...

Wierd the pigeon photo caught my eye I am a first time visitor here. The photo looked like bodies at first then on the second look I saw that they were birds.

Anonymous said...

cool things about pigeons. they believe in equality. they poop on everyone. rich, poor, brown, white, they poop with all their might. Perry P. Pigeon