Monday, June 23, 2008

drop acid (not bombs)

This past weekend I visited NYC. I went to film a commercial my friend's company was producing (which is a whole different story), and happened to find myself, the night before the shoot, in a little dingy bar on the Lower East Side. Johnson's, which is at the corner of Rivington and Essex Streets, has $2 cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, $6 mixed cocktail drinks and other cheap goodness a young twenty-something can appreciate.

Something else they can appreciate? The incredible amount of graffiti on the bathroom wall there. I couldn't resist taking some photos on my cell phone camera.

The bathroom wall in question:

A close-up of some graffiti, titled 'orchestrate reality':

and my favorite, 'drop acid (not bombs)':

I can verify that both of the bathrooms in the joint were packed with similar types of messages.

My eyes were exhausted trying to keep up with the scrawl on the walls.

Yet another reason to love New York City ... bathroom walls inked with 'drop acid (not bombs)'.

Pure gold!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baw, kasagad-sagad sa iya ubra blog!