Thursday, November 13, 2008

letting go

Rainy days always bring out the melancholy in me. It's not a bad thing, it just is what it is. To me, rain signifies contemplation and reflection. Well, that and snuggling up in bed with a good book.

Lately I've been learning the lesson of Letting Go. It's not something I'm good at, or have been very prone to do in my life. I'll stay friends with people I don't even like that much, simply because it's too difficult to kick them to the curb. I've certainly let guys overstay their welcome in relationships, simply because I hate being the one to do the dumping. I've even clung to half baked plans and dreams for too long, and why? Because letting go is hard to do.

There are people and things in life worth holding on to. I believe this with a passion. I've fought a few hard and long battles in my life over certain people and things that I have truly belived in.

However, there are many other people and things that aren't worth the fight. Sometimes it's better just to let them go, as nicely as possible, and wish them well in life. It completely sucks, and it inevitably ends up hurting someone in the equation, but well ... I think that holding on to something old and broken is probably worse in the long run.

I've been learning a lot about letting go lately. It's a hard thing to accept. But it's time, and I'm absorbing the lesson as gracefully and maturely as possible.


Anonymous said...

I find rain rather... sheltering. Nothing bad has ever happened to me, while the rain was around.

As to letting go...I seem to find that rather easy. I'm not sure that's a good thing...

Anonymous said...

Rain is nostalgic, especially at twilight. A little sad. Drizzly gray rain feels, well, secure, with memories of Ireland, late afternoons in my room in a brick dorm in the Kansas of open fields and blowing snowdrifts. I like being alone when it rains. Hearing rain on a metal roof. Having a fireplace. Reading.
--Ringo's grandmother