Wednesday, December 03, 2008

i love ... my nintendo 64

i love this machine.

Dear Nintendo 64,
I love you. Yes, I really do. I love you despite all your flaws. The blocky, awkward animation you so commonly feature in your games, the laughable early 90's soundtracks that you so commonly utilize, even the completely unrealistic and often unreliable game play -- I embrace everything about you.
True, you're out of date. You're what one might refer to as 'horribly antiquated'. They don't even make your system anymore. You're like some kind of technological dinosaur. A buggy, funny, yet impossible to hate dinosaur.

Why am I so fond of you? That's easy. It's because you provide me with hours of entertainment. Well, and there's other reasons too. For one, there's nothing like plopping down in a chair after a long day and starting in to a death match round of 'Killer Instinct Gold'. Because chasing a yellow ball around on 'Mario Tennis' is oddly soothing. Because the scantily clad male characters in 'WCW vs. NWO World Tour' are cause for a good laugh or two. Because it's fun to race cars around in 'Wipeout' and then pretend to cry when you lose a race.

battling it out, Killer Instinct style

You're a very unassuming piece of equipment. I mean, you don't have any fancy bells or whistles; you don't require much in terms of tender loving care. You can't go online, you can't play DVDs or CDs, and you only support N64 games. You aren't exactly the pinnacle of game play achievement.
Despite this (or perhaps because of it), you're simple to use. Your only requirements are that games aren't jammed in to your console, and that the dust gets blown out of the cartridges every once in awhile. Sure, you can be fritzy and not work, but then again, none of us work correctly after a certain age. And you, ... well. You're a senior citizen in computer years. If you were a human, you'd qualify for the Denny's Senior Discount. It's great you can even function at all.

unintentional humor

But no matter your age or the ridiculous nature of your games, I will always love you. You are the one game system I have remained loyal to, and the one that I will probably always have ... until you break, anyway.

Lots of love,


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