Monday, December 05, 2005

Midget Italy

Some small observations on life in New York City:

1) Little Italy is not little. It isn't even small, or petite. It's so damn tiny that it should be re-named the politically incorrect 'Midget Italy.'

2) The Canal Street subway stop is smelly. Really, really, really smelly. If you like the reek of old fish and garbage, then you'll love the CT stop ... otherwise stay far away, or else plug up your nostrils.

3) I have full respect for the religion of others, but if you're a male Orthodox Jew walking around in black clothing at night, you might want to consider actually paying attention to the traffic. Like, y'know, not crossing the street when the 'DO NOT WALK' sign is blatantly blinking. No one can see you! You're wearing black! Pay attention to the hundreds of cars waiting to run over you!

4) To NYC women: the jeans-stuffed-into-your-boots look is idiotic and not flattering on anyone. For the love of all things holy, just stop trying to be trendy. Or else buy footwear that doesn't belong to a lumberjack.