Friday, October 12, 2007


Random things:

Today was:

New York City smelled like a damp dog from all the rain today.

The old lady who lives in the bottom floor apartment next door (and spends all her time staring out the window at people walking by) is apparently quite charitable and has become known as the local Goodwill-that-isn't-a-Goodwill. She disperses donated items to her friends and family who need it.

There's some guy living in the stairwell next door. He's been there over a month now. His possessions are:
an ashtray
two books
a lighter

I always see his things lying around, along with copies of the latest newspapers.

I feel like asking him -- do you pay rent to live in a stairwell? Because it's totally illegal. And then I feel like telling him -- it's against the law for a reason.

My roommate's cat won't shut up. Meow, meow, meow.
She needs to install a mute button in him.

It's almost my birthday and I'm not sure if I'm happy or dismayed about it.

I've been eating way too much chocolate pudding lately.

The grocery store in my neighborhood stocks three kinds of chocolate puddings.


Anonymous said...

Well, *I* think your birthday marks something worth celebrating. :)

Anonymous said...

To be clear- in that I'm glad that you're around even if I'm completely slack and don't say much of anything for months...