Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Odds & Ends:

The weather has been incredibly strange the past few days. Yesterday it was an incredible 60 degrees at one point, with bright blue skies and a sun that felt almost spring-like in intensity. Birds were swooping through the air, squirrels were out collecting nuts frantically, and all the school age children were running around like it was the first day of summer vacation. Strange for February!

After living in New York City for 3 years, I'm still amazed at all the things people throw out in their garbage. Items left out for grabs recently include: a skillet, books on baby care, a television set, a television stand, an armchair, several sofas, art magazines, cassette tapes, shoes (men's and women's), a hat and beaded belt. It would be possible to furnish an entire apartment with the things one can find on the street.

Speaking of items on the street ... did anyone notice the old man who sells records on West 4th and 6th Av this past Friday? He's always there, selling old LPs, but on this particular evening he had a magnificent fake reindeer for sale, made of wicker. It was parked out in the middle of the sidewalk, so people had move around it in order to get by. Classic!

On a totally unrelated note, the best hot chocolate in Brooklyn is at the Tea Lounge on 7th Avenue in Park Slope. I'm sure the other locations have equally amazing hot cocoa, as well. All I can say is ... creamy goodness that will blow a person away! Very yummy.

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