Friday, July 18, 2008

on the road again ....


It's that time of year again.

Time to travel.

Like clockwork, my nomadic instincts kick in every summer and I have an overwhelming urge to get out, pack the bags and see something (or somewhere) new.

My tickets are bought, so I can now officially announce my biggest trip yet ...

Australia and New Zealand in '08!!

Yes, you read that correctly.

Australia. As in kangaroos.

New Zealand. As in hobbits and Lord of the Rings.

I am going to both of those places!!

I leave L.A. on August 27, arrive in Australia on August 29 and stay on that lovely continent until October 2. On October 2 I will be flying out to New Zealand, where I will have a whirlwind 4 days before jetting back to the United States.

As most of you know, I loathe flying, so this will be quite the journey for me. I'm taking this trip to confront my fears about death, flying, heights and being alone.

Oh yeah, and I should add ... I'm going by myself.

I am planning on taking an emergency supply of Xanax on the airplane with me for those just-in-case-freak-outs. (Seriously.)

I will of course blog about my adventure and be posting photos as I travel about Queensland and Auckland.

Check back in the next day or so for yet another blog post -- my Train Adventure needs telling, still!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, when do we get the train story...?