Wednesday, December 31, 2008

new years eve messsage


It's almost the New Year. The New Year and the new year. (One is the holiday, the other is a new chapter in time.) It's the end of some things and the beginning of others; a time of change and flux.

I feel like some good things will be coming my way in '09. I'm not sure what, and I can't predict where I'll end up or what will change (or stay the same), but I can feel it in my bones. '09 is going to bring something very positive and big in my life.

Stay tuned, I guess.

I truly hope that everyone who reads this has a happy, healthy and peaceful '09.

Lots of love.


Anonymous said...

Does time really exist, or space? I only acknowledge the existence of mice. And food bags. Ringo

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Goose.
Glad you're around. :)