Monday, November 27, 2006

bond. james bond.

Okay, so I have a confesion to make. Well, two actually.

1) I probably overreacted to the anonymous comment made two posts ago. I'm still standing by what I wrote, but I (quite possibly) (maybe sorta) was a little over the top in my defense of chimps. As Erykah Badu says, "I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my shit." So yeah. I jumped the gun in getting snippy on that one.

2) I have a crush on the new James Bond.

Pictorial evidence as to why:

I just saw the new James Bond 'Casino Royale' the other night and highly recommend it. I normally loathe the whole spies with big guns genre, but this time I actually enjoyed it. Lots of car chases, exploding objects, good looking ladies and the like. Did I mention the car chases?

Actually, I'm not going to lie. I'm crushing on James Bond's car far more than him.

The proof is in the pudding:

Foxy, foxy.

I heard a lot of rumors that the new Bond flick would be terrible. Multiple websites and magazines stated that Daniel Craig ( was shaping up to be a sketchy (at best) Bond. However, I have to say, Big D is rockin' the whole English Spy thing. As for the movie -- well, it lags towards the end, but it's still pretty damn enjoyable.

In other news, me thinks that I'm going to be updating the travel blog sometime this century (!!) ... possibly even tonight. Check it at some point this week.

Oh yeah -- and go save some chimps!

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