Saturday, November 18, 2006

save the chimps foundation

I've been having wrist issues (minor tendinitis) lately, so I have been avoiding typing much. However, I just signed up for physical therapy and my condition seems to be improving with much needed rest and relaxation.

That said, I'm going to make this entry pretty short. I had to post about it though, because this topic made such an impression on me that I felt it was important to share it with others. I encourage you to seriously check out the website linked below, and to make donations (or adopt an animal!) if you can afford to do so.

The other night, on Channel 13 PBS, I watched a show on the US Government's horrible abuses of chimpanzees in the Air Force. They'd use these poor animals for all kinds of testing, including crash tests and launching them into space. Many died or suffered horrible injuries. When the Air Force stopped using chimps for testing, they were sold off to medical labs where they endured further mistreatment, including being infected with HIV and other diseases. The chimps -- which are very similar to humans and very social creatures -- were kept locked in tiny cages and basically kept in solitary confinement for years. These labs also bought former pets from families and circuses who had been stupid enough to purchase wild chimps as babies. Many were torn from their families and stuck in cold steel cages, never to be really touched by a human (or another chimp) again. Many died while under the 'care' of these labs, including several who were heated to death when a heater malfunctioned, literally cooking them until they were killed. It is important to point out that these chimps have no access to natural sunlight, windows or fresh air.

There is an organization working to rescue these very human creatures. The organization is called Save The Chimps, and they have a website at They are doing incredible things to try and help these poor creatures out. Many of the animals psychologically damaged, and some have never been outdoors in their life! This foundation is working to give them all a beautiful new home in Florida, where they can live out their last years in sunshine, warmth and a habitat that is fitting for such creatures.

At the website you can adopt a chimp, donate supplies (they have a wish list, including basics like honey and blankets), or donate money. You can also work as a volunteer if you live in New Mexico or Florida.

I will be donating my own money to this cause. I think the holidays are a great time to give to others, and why not our closest relatives in the animal world? Seriously, please consider checking out the website. I promise you it's worth it, and it's a wonderful cause. Do something you can feel good about!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well how bout saving peoples?