Friday, April 20, 2007

good weather at last!

Finally! Real spring weather is here!

I spent my afternoon in the park, relaxing and reading the newest issue of Vanity Fair. There were so many people out, from parents with their kids to couples strolling through the grass. It was a glorious day, full of sun and squirrels and budding tree leaves.

After my sojourn in the park I hit up the local coffee shop for some frozen yogurt and a huge chunk of fudge cake. $6 poorer but a pound heavier (and a lot happier) I made my way back to the apartment to teach a music lesson and bask in the happiness of not having to do anything today.

I'm playing around with my blog formatting. So much of it depends on visual appeal, and my newer posts have been ugly to look at. They never format correctly anymore. I'm not sure if it has to do with the new version of blogger, but it's very frustrating. I'll be experimenting for the next few posts, so I apologize in advance for any weird looking entries or strange fonts. I'll try to keep things as simple and quick loading as possible.

Please let me know what works and what doesn't. Input is greatly appreciated, as long as it isn't too rude.

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