Wednesday, February 01, 2006

hopstop's scathing reviews

I'm back again, and this time with posts from that mother of all websites, They have a section where people rate the various subway lines in New York, and after browsing around some reviews on the train lines I always take, I had to post a few as proof that when I whine about the MTA, I'm not the only one!

On the R train:

"If you're travelling from Brooklyn to Manhattan late night on a weekday, take anything else. The F, a cab, a pogo stick, a stray dog. Anything."

"Worst train ever. Please pull from line."

"its so dirty i should get paid to ride."

Overall Rating: 3.2 out of 10.

On the D train:

"it's a slow moving shithole !!!"

"this train needs a serious transit makeover"

"They need a 0 for this category."

Overall Rating: 3.9 out of 10.

On the N train:

"N = not kidding, it really is this damn bad."

"sometimes, waiting for the N takes longer than a retarded child trying to solve a differential math equation."

"Waiting for an 'N' train is like experiencing time in slow motion."

Overall Rating: 3.9 out of 10.

Well ... no one else likes my train lines, either. All I can say is, at least I don't live on the G train route -- that only got a 2.2 rating. (Beware the green line!)

And to my beloved D train -- I still love you, even if no one else does!

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