Tuesday, June 19, 2007

summer is ...

Summer in New York City is:

buying cool treats from an ice cream truck

walking barefoot in the grass

watching the sun set with a beer and a friend

eating gazpacho soup at an outdoor cafe

enjoying the sunshine

planting flowers

wearing shorts

remembering to shave your legs so that you can wear shorts

hot dogs

hot cats and kids

kids playing ball in the street

expensive electric bills -- all those AC's and fans cost money to run!

My summer is off to a nice start. The weather is beautiful, my plants are doing well on the fire escape, and I have good friends to hang out with. Classes have begun again, which gives me something to focus on and work toward. Music is slow right now, but I'm hoping to get back into playing shape soon and stop putting off practicing all the time. It's just so hard in this nice weather!

I have some posts I am going to put up soon. Check back in a day or two for more.

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