Sunday, December 16, 2007

last minute gift ideas

Two last minute gift ideas for anyone trying to think of a unique and fun gift for someone (or yourself):

* Sponser a chimp at the Chimpanzee sanctuary in Florida! They're all chimps that were used in the Air Force's space program, lab chimps and/or their offspring. I love this organization and everytime I read their website my heart breaks for all those poor chimps who've been so horrifically abused. (Can you imagine NOT HAVING TOUCHED GRASS FOR 40 YEARS? Some of those chimps have been through that and worse.)

Here's the link:
You can pick which chimp you want to sponser and read their life stories. Also, you can also sponser a chimp's move to Florida, donate blankets and food, join the organization and/or help buy some chimps dinner with their meal program!

* If you want a unique, handmade gift by a very talented artist out of California, check out The artist is a person I have known online for a long time, and I have two of her lovely products which have a special place in my bedroom. She specializes in adorable stuffed animals -- gotta see them to believe it.

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