Friday, December 14, 2007

life: an update

Feeling a little bit better today. Getting out and forcing myself to be social with friends and classmates has been good. My over inflated tution actually covered my dinner out last night with my professor and class, so it was nice to nosh on some Egyptian goodies. I chowed down on falafels, lamb and chicken kabobs, roasted veggies, hummus and pita and some yummy salad and cheese. The food was excellent, for the record.

Then it was a stop off at a friend's bar she manages in the East Village. It was crowded and totally not my scene, but with a $2 glass of Yuengling, who can complain that much? I stayed for a drink and then jetted out to catch my train before Late Hours began.

Things improved later in the evening when I took advantage of the wonderful views on my roof and had a friend over. Great conversation, weather that isn't too cold, and a misty view of Manhattan will always add flavor to one's night.

Today I had lunch out with a friend (his treat) and caught the new-ish Coen brothers flick, No Country For Old Men. I have enjoyed the work of the Coens in the past, and this was no exception. A bit of a departure from some of their earlier work, and quite disturbing, but it is a well rounded and beautifully shot movie. Very violent, though, but it fits in with the script.

In an interesting aside, I had an interesting conversation with a Hassidic Jewish guy in a used bookstore today. He was really curious about my life. He was asking all sorts of questions -- what bacon tasted like, what I thought of Hassidic Jews, if I knew any Hebrew, did I know any Jews, and the like. We even went over my martial life -- or rather, my lack of one! He was very open, and told me he couldn't be caught talking to a woman in his religious community, but he could outside of his neighborhood. We even shook hands, which is a very tabboo thing for most Hassidic men. He was very proud of being a father and having 5 children (at age 35), and was very into being Jewish, but he was also genuinely curious about non-Hassidic life. He even announced he felt women and men were equal ... but not to tell his wife that! Anyway, he was a friendly fat little fellow and maybe I'll bump into him again. We had a good conversation.

Now I'm contemplating the pile of finals and papers I have to finish before the end of the coming week. So much to do! At least having work on my mind will keep me from dwelling too much on the lamer aspects of my life right now ... I guess give thanks for the small things, right? Even if those small things otherwise suck.

I am taking tonight off from doing work, and then it's back to the grind in the morning. I wish you all a good weekend, and hope that life, or finals, or whatever, are going well.

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