Thursday, May 03, 2007

flying humanoids?

So, normally I am not one to fall for internet hoaxes or doctored 'photographs' of UFOs. However, a recent flurry of 'flying humanoid' sightings over Mexico City has caught my interest.

First of all, check out the video of one of the sightings on youtube:
(Nice Phil Glass soundtrack, by the way ..)
Other videos are online. Do a search on youtube for 'flying humanoid.'

Now, I did a quick scan of articles on the topic I found on None of them come from scientific websites, and a lot of conspiracy theories abound about these "flying people."

Some quotes from various online sources:

In October 1, 2000, La Prensa newspaper from Mexico City published a report from a commercial airline pilot telling of sighting of a "little flying man" witnessed by him and the copilot during their
descent to Mexico City's airport.

According to the article: "A comercial airline pilot from AeroCalifornia who wanted to omit his name to avoid problems in his work reported the sighting of a "little flying man" who was flying at the same altitude of the plane before landing. According to the pilot this "flying man" had a kind of backpack in his back and was flying freely. The pilot added he saw perfectly well arms and legs.

-- found at which has photos.

On August 17th Santiago gave a stunning video presentation to LA MUFON (which Kris and I attended), when he showed different pieces of daytime footage, recorded by multiple individuals, of unidentified flying humanoids filmed in Mexico in 2004, including the entity observed above Colonia Valles de la Silla

-- found at which has photos and 'eye witness accounts.' (this website is a bit nutty, though.)

Apparently a television crew from the Discovery Channel tried to debunk the flying humanoid myth by saying it was probably a bunch of balloons. However, it appears that these 'flying objects' are not balloons and look nothing like what balloons should should technically look like.

In a creepy and chilling news account, a police office in Mexico was apparently attacked at night by one of these flying creatures. The man described a female witch-like creature that tried to get at him through the windshield of a car.

There have been other sightings in France, England and California. The vast majority have been over Mexico City, however, and I'm not sure of the validity of the European or American claims.

UFO fanatics have been going nuts over this topic. While I don't believe aliens or witches have come down to earth to haunt us, it certainly is a riveting case. Some people have stated that it could be a secret government test for jet packs, or that someone has gotten a hold of one somehow and is using it to fly around. It's kind of neat to think that there is the slimmest of chances that something not quite human is lurking about the mountains of Mexico ... although I 99% doubt it. That 1% of me would like to believe otherwise though. If witches exist, that means unicorns and faeries might too. How cool would that be?! (Actually, I know that unicorns must exist somewhere. Love them!)

I want to look into this whole flying humanoid thing a bit further. I think I'm going to haul my butt down to the local library and see if I can dig up any news reports or footage that wasn't taken by conspiracy theory hounds.

If anyone knows anything about this, leave a comment and let me know what's up. It'd be something interesting to research on a rainy day ...

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