Friday, May 04, 2007


I've been giving my blog a facelift. It's a process that is still very much U.C. (under construction), but it should be finished pretty soon. All the various fonts and font sizes in previous entries are being changed to match a standard format, a few lay out issues are being fixed to make entries easier on the eye, and labels are being added to almost every post. These labels can be found at the bottom of each entry. They are by topic. Clicking on a label name will reveal a list of other entries about the same topic. So, for example, if you want to see all the posts on subways, click on the 'subway' label and, like magic, a list of postings about subways will pop up. Same for any other label, including photo, links and parks. Roughly 40% of previous posts have been labeled, and the remaining 60% will be done so shortly. (Can you tell I have lots of free time on my hands right now?!)

Just a note: I will not be changing the content of any previous entries. I'm probably going to leave most spelling errors in and the like. (It's me, so whatever!) I'm not editing myself for content or anything else. This is my blog and not a school essay. Thank God!

I'm still looking for suggestions on New Yorky things to write about. I might start getting into reviewing various places to eat and visit, but we'll see. At any rate, I'm trying to get back on track on keeping this a mostly city oriented blog. There are always personal elements in my entries, but I would hate for this blog to turn into a highly 'me centric' spot on the internet. The vast majority of blogs are so terribly boring because they deal with subjects no one cares about, such as Suzie's pet dog or Timmy's boyfriend problems. Ugh!

Check back soon. I'm in posting MANIA right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[parody] OMG! Did you know Timmy's boyfriend was seeing Suzie's dog!!!!!!!!! [/parody]